How to Prepare for a Professional Exterior Painter

How to Prepare for a Professional Exterior Painter

Have you been looking to have your home’s exterior repainted? A new coat of paint can instantly make your house look better, increase the value of your home, and protect your siding from the elements. However, preparing for a professional exterior painting job involves more than just picking out paint colors.

Clean and Repair Your Home’s Exterior

There is no point in painting over a dirty or damaged surface. Before hiring a professional painter, be sure to clean off any dirt and grime that has accumulated on your home’s exterior walls. Use water and soap to wash the entire surface of your house. This will help remove any mildew or mold that may grow underneath the paint coat.

Inspect your siding for any signs of damage such as cracks, chips, or rotting wood. Replace any damaged boards and fill in any holes or crevices with putty or caulk. This will ensure that your new paint job will look clean and even.

Prep Your Yard

While preparing your home’s exterior for painting, don’t forget to take care of your yard as well. Trim any bushes or plants that are close to the house and cover them with plastic sheeting. This will protect them from accidental paint splatters. Move any outdoor furniture out of the way and cover it as well.

Protect Your Windows

One of the most tedious tasks when painting a home’s exterior is protecting the windows. To avoid getting paint on your windows, use a window scraper or putty knife to remove any old paint chips that may have accumulated on the edges. Then, cover your windows with plastic sheeting and tape it down securely. This will protect them from overspray and accidental drips.

Consider the Weather

It’s important to consider the weather in your area when planning the exterior painting job. You don’t want to begin the project on a rainy, windy day. The ideal time to paint is in mild, dry weather conditions. Fall and spring are optimal times, but it varies depending on where you live. Professional painting contractors, like Two Brothers Painting, monitor the weather carefully to ensure the best conditions for painting.

Pick Out the Right Paint

It’s essential to select the right type of paint for your exteriors- oil or latex-based. More than the type of paint, you should also consider how many coats your home needs, the primer you’ll need to use and what finishes would work best for your home. A professional painting contractor can help you choose the best options to create a long-lasting, high-quality finish that looks great.

Get Your Home Ready for Painting

Your house is about to experience a makeover, so it’s important to get it ready before the painting starts. Trim or prune any trees or plants that are close to the walls of the house. Move any outdoor furniture or decorations from the painting area, and cover nearby plants with plastic sheeting. Your painting contractor will guide you about the ideal way to get your home prepared.

Hire a Professional Painting Contractor

Although do-it-yourself painting jobs are a good idea, hiring a professional painting contractor has several benefits. With an experienced painting contractor, you’ll have the peace of mind that your home is achieved an even, professional paint job, with high-quality materials to produce a long-lasting result. Beyond that, you won’t have to worry about accidents, safety concerns, or the need to redo any work if something goes wrong. Two Brothers Painting specializes in exterior painting and will deliver a stress-free and high-quality finish to your home.

How to Prepare for a Professional Exterior Painting

Preparing for an exterior painting job doesn’t have to be stressful! Taking the necessary time and effort to clean and prep your home will ensure that the paint will last for years to come. Hiring a professional painting contractor, like Two Brothers Painting, takes the pressure off the homeowner and can result in a clean, uniform surface. Remember, a new coat of paint will enhance your home’s curb appeal, increase its value, and protect it from the weather, so don’t hesitate to get started on your project today!

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