Some Rhode Island homeowners will regularly downsize by getting rid of things they haven’t used in years, tossing out or donating clothes, knickknacks, and furniture. But, for many others, decluttering seems likes an insurmountable task. There are many reasons why we hold on to things we no longer use. Some of us are inclined to hoarding, others feel a true, sentimental attachment to ‘things’, and many more have not taken the time to sort through and discard old items in closets, junk drawers, basements, and attics.
Now that many of us are at home due to shut down businesses and social distancing, here are some stress-free tips for getting organized.
Tips from Professional Organizers
Part with these things first
Any clothing or household items you haven’t worn or used in the past two years, you should consider parting with. You will feel less pressure getting rid of items that you do not use and can donate or recycle. You may also find duplicate items and even some items that are broken or stained hidden in closets and drawers that you can easily part with it.
Items you don’t plan to use
At one time you may have considered Sous Vide or wok cooking, but that never really materialized. The kitchen is a great place for decluttering as you may find cookbooks, appliances, and old pots and pans that you will likely never use. The same holds true for old music CDs, movie DVDs, and even books. It is likely your entertaining tastes have changed. By decluttering you open up room for items that fit your current lifestyle.
Make it a family affair
With the whole family at home for longer periods of time, this is a great time to demonstrate the value of minimalist living. This lifestyle choice is not about getting by with the bare minimum. Instead, it is about making decisions based on keeping everything you need instead of everything you want. Rooms that streamlined are more enjoyable and allow for a more efficient way of doing the things you love.
Sort and organize
When it comes to decluttering, it’s not only about how much you can throw away. Organization and storage are key to a decluttered home. Sort through everything you have questioned and sort these items by things you will donate, throw away, and keep. Use smart storage solutions such as under-the-bed bins, shelving and baskets, vertical or hanging storage, and closet organizers to neatly store all those items you decide to keep.
And finally, if you are planning any interior decorating, painting, or remodeling, decluttering your home should be the first step in making the process run smoothly.
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