Painting Bedroom Doors for a New Look

Bedroom Door Painting

Your bedroom is your oasis. You’ve probably given a lot of thought to the color of your bedroom walls. But if you’re hesitating about diving deep into painting the walls, why not experiment by just painting the doors instead? If you’re not into painting at all, don’t worry. Let your local Rhode Island interior painting experts help! But If you want to forge ahead here’s a step-by-step guide to painting bedroom doors.

Gather Your Supplies

Once you’ve chosen the ideal color, gather up all your materials. Here’s what you’ll need:

  • 2 Sawhorses
  • drop cloth
  • sandpaper
  • clean shop rags
  • paint roller
  • 2” paintbrush
  • paint
  • screwdriver

Step-by-Step Guide to Painting a Bedroom Door

Ready to go? Follow these instructions for painting a bedroom door.

  1. Remove the door from the hinges
    If you try to paint the door while it’s vertical, you’ll end up with a lot of paint drips that can ruin the look. Get a friend to hold the door while you use your screwdriver to remove the door from the hinges.
  2. Lay the door down on the saw horses.
    Lay down your drop cloth in a garage or room where it’s not too hot or cold. If the temperature is too extreme either way, the paint will become tacky and hard to spread with the brush. Next, position the door on the saw horses over the drop cloth so it’s stable and doesn’t rock.
  3. Remove the hardware.
    If there’s a doorknob or other hardware, use a screwdriver to carefully remove it. Set aside.
  4. Prepare the surface.
    You want to work with a smooth surface. First, use a cloth and water to thoroughly clean the door. After that dries, use a smooth grit sandpaper to lightly go over the door so it’s perfectly smooth. Wipe away excess grit with a damp cloth and allow to dry. Feel if the door is smooth to the touch. If it is, you’re ready to proceed to the next step.
  5. Paint the edges.
    Use the 2” paintbrush to paint the edges of the door in a thin coat. You’ll be applying two coats, so don’t worry if you can see the old paint color beneath the new color.
  6. Paint the insets.
    Next, use the 2” brush to paint the insets or any molding on the door. Try not to leave brush marks in the paint.
  7. Roll the flat surfaces.
    Now, use the roller on the flat sides of the door. This part will go quickly!
  8. Allow to dry and repeat.
    Just leave it to dry, then repeat, applying a second coat.
    Once you’re done, and the door is dry, you’re ready to rehang it!

    Remember, you can simply call your Rhode Island painting experts to do all this for you! We’re here for you!

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