Reasons To Remove a Popcorn Ceiling

popcorn ceiling removal

Popcorn ceilings were considered the height of style several decades ago, and their ability to reduce interior noise made them even more popular. However, advances in construction technology have provided better sound reduction options, and popcorn ceilings have long since fallen out of favor in professional home decor circles in Rhode Island and surrounding states. Over the years, it’s been discovered that popcorn ceilings have more disadvantages than advantages, and most homeowners are having them removed and replacing them with an appropriate upgrade.

Why Remove Popcorn Ceilings?

A variety of reasons exist for having popcorn ceilings removed, and not all of them are cosmetic. Besides presenting an outdated appearance, structural and functionality issues are a large part of the picture. For instance, popcorn ceilings in homes that were constructed prior to 1978 are very likely to contain asbestos, which has the potential to create health issues in those who breathe in airborne particles if the material is disturbed. In some areas, asbestos was used in popcorn ceilings as late as the mid-1980s, so it’s a good idea for those who currently own a home with popcorn ceilings to assume that asbestos is a part of the picture.

Maintenance Concerns With Popcorn Ceilings

Popcorn ceilings feature a very uneven texture that makes them extremely difficult to clean, and over time, they usually take on a grubby appearance no matter how hard you try to get them completely clean. It’s also important to remember that if you disturb the surface of the ceiling while trying to clean it, you run a substantial risk of releasing asbestos fibers into the air.

Homeowners sometimes decide to paint their popcorn ceiling after it becomes unacceptably dingy, but painting a popcorn ceiling comes with significant challenges — the primary one being that because of the texture of popcorn ceilings, painting them needs to be done with a small hand brush rather than traditional paint rollers, and this is a painstaking process that takes an extraordinary amount of time.

Our skilled Rhode Island team can remove that outdated popcorn ceiling for you and get it ready for an exciting new upgrade. Please contact us for a free estimate on popcorn ceiling removal and other services in East Greenwich, Providence, Newport, Coventry, and other Rhode Island communities.

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